
By fiend

The Cheshire Plain is well known for being rather...well, featureless and flat so when you do get an elevation such as this one, you get some incredible views all around for miles stretching over 4 or 5 counties on a clear day like today. I tried to capture the impressive panorama but failed dismally so you have a shot of part of the brand new monument at the top of Delamere instead and you'll have to take my word on the views. It's simple and neat and quite hard to work out why it took over a year to build but it really marks the spot well.

Annie was dog sitting for her parents so we took them (and Matt :D) out for a walk then back to the house for such a massive slap up dinner - full roast with all the trimmings plus a handmade hazelnut and chocolate pie, yum! Ste and Emma came too. We've decided to while away some of the chilly winter nights with a come dine with me style competition but I think Annie's got it in the bag really!

I can't move, my tummy is stretched to bursting.

Thank you for all the great comments on my mum's pic yesterday :))

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