A Sisterly Cuddle

With the sky meeting the sodden ground in a wet embrace, it wasn't the best day for Edinburgh daughter and me to venture forth in the pouring rain to visit Glasgow daughter and my newborn grandson, but all was worthwhile just to cuddle Ewan who arrived exactly a week ago as an early Christmas present for his parents.

He was on his best behaviour for his adoring visitors, and hardly issued a squeak as we played pass the parcel with him. In fact he had obviously decided that if he kept quiet and only opened one eye every half hour, he could pretend that we really weren't there and with any luck we would leave soon, and not be in danger of outstaying our welcome.

Big sister Nina who has been an only child for just over 5 years was coping remarkably well with the new interloper but we made sure to make a fuss of her too.

And so home to Edinburgh in the still pouring rain with some trains cancelled and ours running late by 20 minutes because of electrical problems on the track. It was hardly a wonder as the fields bordering the line had sprouted numerous lochans and the track was awash in places.

Battling my way up from the station through a forest of umbrellas, I even felt sorry for the tourists who have converged on Edinburgh for Hogmanay only to find the outdoor attractions depressingly wet.
It will be a soggy torchlight procession this evening if the weather does not improve soon.

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