a modest enquirer

By lewishamdreamer

Meeting Thea

Meeting Thea for the first time was a genuine delight, even more than I'd anticipated. My cousin John and his partner Emma's first child was smiley, curious and pretty advanced for only three months old. It took a fair bit of adjusting to get to grips with the fact that my younger cousin has had a kid (just how old am I getting?) but I couldn't have been more proud of him or Emma - they seem to be extraordinary parents. I hadn't seen them for more than a decade (to my shame) and hope we can do better from now on.

Lunch with Dad and them signalled my departure from Guernsey once more. The flight home was alarmingly turbulent, but I got back in one piece, and was finally reunited with G. It had been the second week long break from him in recent months, and it brought home yet again how much I dislike it. Don't get me wrong - we're not a clingy couple (a fact I'm proud of), but being apart still aches. Don't be surprised to see some very permanent roots being laid soon, to cut down on the need for breaks!

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