
By Stansway

The Gecko saga . . .

. . . Em's wanted a lizard for years but we always managed to dodge that one, until now that she has her wages burning a hole in her bank account?

So a family outing to the Reptile shop was organised this morning.

The shop was amazing, chameleons, snakes, bearded dragons of all sizes the lot. Anyway a cute little gecko was chosen, tank, lights, specified and paid for, all for collection Tuesday. . . So far so good.

The problems started on the way home . . . Second thoughts, became " I'm really not sure?" and finally it was all a huge mistake!

So . . . guess whose job it was to tell the poor little man at the shop? (actually when I say poor little man he was more of a big fully tattooed man) I'm really looking forward to going over and getting Em's money back on Tuesday!'

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