
By FionaGo

Christmas pear

It's been a pretty miserable day today, raining steadily. That meant that I could spend all day indoors without feeling that I ought to be doing something. I spent the day reading the instructions for my camera, downloading software and trying to get systems to talk to each other. Time flies when you are having fun...

I'd like to get a simple wee case for my camera, just to protect it from dust and scratches, and small enough to be able to slip it into my handbag. You'd think it wouldn't be too hard, but I spent at least an hour searching online, and I can't find anything that fits the bill. Can anyone advise? Also, if anyone knows of a good bag for an SLR, that isn't black and ugly, I'd love to hear about it. Surely I am not the only person who would like to have a camera bag that looks like a handbag and has room for a purse and a phone as well as a camera?

The picture today is of some of the first ornaments we got for our Christmas tree, back in the days when I thought we'd have lots of elegant decorations. Now it's full of mismatched holiday souvenirs, not very elegant but full of memories.

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