
By BoydMcAdam

Hot and cold

A quieter day in the office today catching up on long overdue tasks. Lunchtime was enlivened by Karen's annual chilli lunch where we have the opportunity to add hit chilli sauces to test our mettle. The annual tradition now involves me trying out the hottest on offer. This year it was "Dave's Ulimate Insanity Gourmet Sauce" from San Francisco.

It came with health warnings and rightly so. Within a minute of tasting a few drops the tears were steaming down my cheeks and my tongue burned for half an hour. It was good and cleared my sinuses. But it did detract from the flavour of the chilli.

I was in the office so missed the sunset that other blippers have captured - congratulations to Feorlean for 3 years continuous blipping. Instead I went to see the torchlit procession. 90 minutes after the torches started down the Mound they were still setting off. That meant the closing fireworks did not start till after 8.30 by which time the snell wind and cold had seeped into my bones. So hand held shots of fireworks were a challenge but I liked this one.

Now gearing up for tomorrow's festivities. I hope everyone has a great Hogmanay.

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