Part of my view for the best part of the day.

Got up this morning with Jewelz falling down the stairs. She lay at the bottom quite contented lapping up all the fuss we made of her! (She's fine!)

Lit the fire, got my breakfast and there I sat with my books and a jigsaw!
Last night (although I was happy to be sitting in my own house with a roaring fire) I was not all that settled and couldn't focus to read anything, so got a jigsaw out and started that (always a good holiday thing). I thought that having switched off completely at my folks and just absorbed myself in TV for a couple days would have been enough - I suppose that was needed too.

But today I was at ease with myself in my own space - content to be completely me! And today I was able to read and enjoy it. Today, was what I've been waiting for!!! :)

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