Blue Hamish

By BlueHamish

Don't Tell Anyone, But ..

This is my 356th post. !st January 2013 to 31st December 2013 without a gap. There have been highs and lows, both with respect to my blips and with life in general, but viewed as a whole, it's been a good one.

I'm not going to wax lyrical about blip and what it means to me. Instead, I want to dedicate my last blip of 2013 to Lana. When I posted the picture in the link in August, Lana had been told she had about 1 week to live. Well, as testimony to her grit and determination, she is still with us and I received an update in an email just before Xmas. Sadly, there is no happy ending for Lana, it is just a question of when, not if. She faced probably her toughest decision ever yesterday; subject herself to another grueling round of chemotherapy and perhaps live a few weeks longer or enjoy what time she has left free of the awful effects that chemotherapy has on the body. I know what my choice would be. I hope Lana had the strength and courage to make the right decision for herself. What is most remarkable about this for me is that Lana's last email was totally lacking in self pity. She even wished everyone a Merry Xmas and all the best for the New Year. She is someone I look up to and feel proud to have known

Cue song

Can't finish my final blip of 2013 without saying a big thank you to anyone who has taken the trouble to look at one or more of my images. If you've gone further and read my diatribe, I take my hat off to you and if you have subscribed, I can give you the name of a good psychiatrist :-)

All the best for the New Year one and all.

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