
By MrsPuff

Sparkles, the Kiwi Fireworks God!

Happy New year everybody! (or happy New Year's eve if you're in the northern hemisphere!).

We went down to the bay to get some photos of the carnival. I was going to come home before midnight, so I could upload my blip, but decided to stay on and get some fireworks shots, for practise, if nothing else. I'm glad I stayed because it was AWESOME!!

The noise was deafening, and the lights so bright it lit up the entire beach with red, blue, yellow, & white light.

I can't get over how much this photo looks like a giant kiwi; you can see it's eyes, and beak. And even the 'feathers' at the top!

The weather gods were shining on us too, as we had a fine day for the first time in about 3 weeks. I was in short sleeves until 11.30pm.

My blip entry for yesterday last year is here:

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