
By treegonk

Wild Grass

Easing my way out of black and white mode. Might slip back in at anytime. Help...the colours are blinding me.

Embracing the blur, as someone here said...

The lady from the book sale wants to use some of my pics for her publication. She said that there were a few blurry people in some of the pics.

I explained exposure times and how the shutter has to stay open for a little longer in low light. Unless she could get 200 people buying books all to stand completely still for 3 seconds, then there were going to be ghosts in the church. Which seemed to make sense.. the blur, not the ghosts. Or maybe it was the ghosts that made sense.

Looking forward to my first printed publication...apart from a little bee pic that appeared on a leaflet at work, but he was only about 1cm wouldn't hear him buzz in a haunted church.

Wiffle waffle. Someone might read this rubbish in a few years and think - "that person has lost it... must be blipitis - it took a lot of people around that time.."

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