Lost in Thought

By steveng

Retina 2c

The last day of the year, a time for looking back ....

This is my father's Retina 2c and light meter which he used all over the world before lending them to me, when I did a photography course at 6th form. He used mostly Kodachrome 64, I went for FP4 or HP4 as the course involved development and enlargement which was done in the staff cloakroom.

Somehow a set of modern digital stills displayed on a wide screen TV from a laptop don't quite equal the magic of a real slide show. I miss that distinctive sound the projector made when it mechanically swapped one slide for the next to be greeted by hoots of 'not another picture of the Rialto Bridge' or 'it's upside down!'

Hope everyone has a great 2014.

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