Bhliain nua sásta

It's our anniversary! 37 years! Astonishing! Not a lot of people know this but the 37 years of married bliss are marked by alabaster! I received a very beautiful necklace whose stones are ensured to keep me sane for 2014 - jade for wisdom and tranquility; fluorite for stabilising the aura (!) and combating computer stress; moss agate for harmonious relationships and green aventurine for emotional strength! Himself received a memory card for his camera (romantic I know) and a voucher for a massage for his alabaster body!! Clever eh.

A useful kind of day - I've given the kitchen floor its annual clean, done a bit of tidying up in the garden after all the storms and went down to Farranamanagh Lough for a bit of a blow. The waves were incredible. Huge boulders had been thrown up onto the little pier and gulls were surfing on the waves. I just love the sound of pebbles being rolled back and forth in the surf. I came across these stones though - no, I didn't do it, and took it to be a sign.

We're staying in tonight, but out tomorrow, and I think that will be rather pleasant. Wishing everyone a very enjoyable night whatever you are doing and a peaceful and creative 2014.

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