snapshots 2014

By MagsH

Drawing the year to a close

I've been reflecting today on 2013 and all that's been going on in my life and the lives of those around me.

The most significant thing this year was my best friend losing her husband just before they were able to celebrate their first wedding anniversary. Her grief has had such an impact on her and those who are helping to support her. It's hard to see someone you care about have to go through this terrible time. It takes time, as they say, and I hope that she will start to find some comfort and peace in the new year.

Work for me has been great and busy (which is always a bonus for the self-employed!) and I'm so thankful for all the lovely and interesting people I get to work with on projects. I especially remember my work trips abroad this year including WorldSkills in Leipzig where I missed seeing Andy Murray win Wimbledon but bonded with Michelle who is such a lovely young woman and a fantastic colleague. I am also so grateful that work gave me the opportunity to visit India at the start of the year and China in the Autumn. Two places I have always wanted to visit but wasn't sure I would. India's vibrancy will stay with me always.

My boy is growing up fast. He's not my baby anymore, but he is becoming a kind, caring and thoughtful young man. His Dad and I are so proud of him and happy to be a strong little family.

I've also enjoyed the time I spent recently with my younger sis in Spain visiting our elderly uncle. I've become increasingly admiring and respectful of Maria over the years. And she can now confidently find her way around Spain in a car if she has me as 'MagNav'!

So here's hoping that 2014 will be a bit easier than 2014 for everyone. I'll also be remembering those no longer with us - my Dad and Ann Marie's Derek and raising a glass in their memory.

I've chosen this pic I took in January outside the Taj Mahal of a family who were making their own pilgrimage. I tried using filters on it but the colour on the original photo are so vibrant that they sum up my experience of India.

Happy New Year!

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