Swimmers' Log Book



We know how to live.

After several days indoors tidying up various cupboards and shredding forests of paper, I needed to get out. Having discovered several (22) money off coupons from a well known supermarket, I came up with a plan.
Cue family outing to said supermarket, where we each had to take a coupon from the bag and find the corresponding item, then race back to the trolley for the next one. The plan was to only buy 'coupon' items, but I did sneak in a few extras. No point buying clotted cream without some scones, eh?

I know it sounds sad, but we did laugh at ourselves! Thank you to my wonderful family for humouring me. You are all amazing and I love you so much.

Now tucked up at home with drinks, nibbles and take away pizza on its way. Happy New Year everyone!

PS For the record, 21 coupons (no Frankfurters to be found, so couldn't use that one) saved us £9.62 and earned 255 bonus points.

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