
By jimpy

The Bend In The River

This was taken 123 years ago in 1890 by my great grandfather Edward Brownfield Wain, colliery manager at the Chatterley-Whitfield mine. I just found out about this photo at a page at the British Library website. I hope he would have approved of me post processing by adjusting the levels, perhaps restoring some of its contrast. It's funny but I feel more impressed by and proud of this than any of my own photos.

I took a few shots today but instead posted this as a bellwether in anticipation of a New Year's resolution to spend less blipping time blipping.

In case the British Library link ceases to work, I have copied the description of the photo below.

"Mr E B Wain (Norton-in-the-Moors) was awarded first prize - silver medal - for his photograph, 'The Bend of the River,' which is reproduced as a frontispiece this month. Frequenters of the river Thames will not fail to recognise the delightful scene. The photograph was taken in May last year, with a R R lens, working at f/16, 1 sec. exposure being given, at 4.30pm. The print is one of the best on bromide paper that we have seen, and has been very crefully exposed - 45 secs., 2 feet from a paraffin lamp - developed with eikonogen, and squeegeed on to a piece of matt-surface celluloid."

Text by Charles W Hastings, editor of 'The Photographic Societies' Reporter,' 'Amateur Photographer,' 'Photographic Quarterly,' etc.

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