Rodents rule

By squirk

Birthday fox

Being Fred's birthday, this was his day to do whatever.

We had fun lazing about the flat playing Age of Empires, until his Alienware developed a fault (the screen went blank and the keyboard lighting turned a glorious pink). Bother.

We didn't have time to ponder that, though, as we had booked to see A Drowned Man for the second time. We viewed/explored it in the summer, but there's so much to see and experience that there's no way you can take it in in just three hours. So, we ventured back on a special return price. The first experience was definitely the best, just because we were completely in the dark about what was going to happen. However, this time, we saw so much that we didn't see on our first visit, even whole rooms that we hadn't been into. The dancing, as before, was breathtaking. Marvellous, imaginative stuff.

When we came out and walked through Marylebone to catch the bus, I found myself scrutinising people on street corners - couples talking, lone people smoking - and wondering what their stories were. I wouldn't have been at all surprised if they'd started dancing among the lamp posts and climbing trees.

The fox appeared at a moment when I was gazing out the window waiting for the kettle to boil. I must miss hundreds of moments like this, when a fantastic visitor jumps into the world window for a few minutes before leaping away again.

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