
By Suzeee


So my appointment was today....pretty good aren't they having me in so soon.
Couldn't concentrate all morning and got nothing done...just wanted it over really.
Got a lift which was great. Still went in on my own(such a baby I am)
I convinced myself it was the right one and they wanted more pictures of the left(same as my mum) flipping heck. I did some knitting in the waiting room before ultra sound...
Forgot to mention we saw a rainbow on the way to the hospital, that's my dear friend Vic just to let me know she was still around.
Pheeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwwwww I have a cyst in my lymph gland...
Don't wish those 48 hours on anyone...but what a fantastic and brilliantly efficient service from Musgrove Park Hospital Taunton...thanks peoples...
Chilled for the rest of the day...... saw another rainbow on the way back too

Thanks Vic xx

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