Master Mariner

By MasterMariner


What you see here is DP manoeuvring at close quarter with both vessels (at DP) connected to each other at 900 meter below the surface while connected to the seafloor as well. It requires accurate Dynamic Positioning operating and a smooth cooperation between deck of the Balder and bridge of the Balder and bridge of the Bylgia. Our installation wire is connected to the mooring link 900 meters deep. This wire is running up and down from the seafloor all the way up to the big drum on the Balder deck. The next step is that the Balder slacks this winch while we stop paying out wire and taking over the complete weight of the mooring line gradually. The Bylgia is acting as a smart buoy, if you understand it, its not so difficult.

A happy and blessed 2014 for all of you

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