Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching


Spent the morning cat sitting and working at home. Then went into the office. Had another communal lunch and realised not for the first time that I work with some really lovely people.

Afternoon of working to stay motivated in the face of new year's eve inertia. Then went for my fortnightly Shiatsu session which was absolutely brilliant. Walked out feeling so energised.

Went for a meal in Jeitta with four friends - have to say one of the best new year's eves in a decade or more, really brilliant food and company it was one long laugh and lots of silly photographs including this one of my paparazzi friend Maude.

Went home to chilled fizz and fireworks on the telly. Got a kiss from TSM, messages from the Girl Racer in Vietnam, the lovely Top Gun rang just after midnight, and I got a hug from The Dizzle. Even got a photo from Big Brother with Aged P.

All in all a brilliant evening.

Happy New Year my friends, wherever you are.

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