Pictures by Ahti's dad

By hevosmies

Welcome 2014

I spent most of new year's eve at home, looking after A with my wife. We had a sauna. Ahti fell asleep surprisingly early, before midnight, and I went out to take pics of fireworks. Drunken people were shooting fireworks at the harbour carelessly so it seemed a bit hazardous at times. Still it was a lot better than my last new year. I was at the hospital because of the accident I had. I watched a sports magazine programme with my room mate and that's about it.

This year was quite extraordinary. I was almost the whole year on a sick leave, recovering from the accident I had at work. I recovered suprisingly well considering the damage but the arm won't be the same. Have to start thinking what to do with my life. It seems unlikely I would be able to continue working as a timberjack.

Then we got our first child, Ahti. A very remarkable event. The first half or so years of A's life was a hard time for all of us, as he had a very bothersome reflux disease. Towards the end of the year things were getting better though, as Ahti grew up and learned to stay in upright position by himself.

I also started a new hobby, disc golf. I got quite excited about the game. I played about once a week on a proper course and in addition often practiced once a week on a jogging path. Now it's been already one month since I last played on a disc golf course, haven't had enough time lately.


A brief selection of blips from the past year:

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