December Challenge - Architecture
Day 30 of DDW/MollyMay's December daily challenge - Architecture
Most of today was spent at home - time to do the end of year accounts for my company, so the highlight of the day was when my son brought the Corsa around so that I could fill it up at the local Asda (that's UK English for Walmart). He is taking his mother to see her parents on New Years Day, and although there was enough fuel in the car for that journey I wanted him to have a full tank in case of any delays or diversions, and also so that I didn't have to fill it before I could use it for work.
My house was built in the 1890's and contains few architectural highlights, the Asda store was built in the 1980's (although the fuel station was rebuilt much more recently) and contains even fewer architectural highlights.
On the 22nd for A Scene I showed part of my hallway. Just above where the camera was positioned for that shot is one of the few original features of the slightest (and it is only slight) architectural merit. An archway with a little detail. Processed a little, you can also see how it has been "Artexed" over as well!
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