Magic Beans
(Oh yes they are!)
Panto day and off to Hammersmith to make sure the kids get a taste of their British cultural heritage. After a few minutes of Mr B and I leading the way with enthusiastic arm waving and shouting, they soon got the hang of it.
Audience participation was a big part of the show, with three grown ups required on stage at various points to tweet with the Dame and sing a duet. Rob was the twerker called out of the crowd, and made a rather fine job of it.
After a chorus of Happy Birthday for CarbBoy, it was time to pick out two volunteers to sing on stage - and so Mr B and Vernee ended up there roaring out Sweet Caroline while we all whopped and hollered. I wonder what the chances are of three folk pulled at random from a theatre crowd all having known each other for 25 years? (We weren't all sitting together.)
Anyway, after all that excitement, we headed home to eat, drink and prepare for the night ahead. The kids had their own round of the Name Game, then dispersed to watch videos and play until midnight.
And so another New Year was brought in with style.
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