The life & times of Jacks

By Jacqueline

Happy New Year - welcome to 2014

Today was a lovely day. We had a lovely home made roast duck lunch with my home made chocolate tart afterwards. I feel like I have eaten my bodyweight in food for the past two days.

Pictured here is a Champagne cork - something we had quite a bit of over the past two days. We are not going to do the whole dry January thing but I definitely am cutting down on alchohol for this month as well as trying to motivate myself to get fitter and lose some weight as my trousers are starting to get a wee bit tight on me and I am feeling like I am dressing frumpy and comfortable.

Steve and I have a joint new years resolution which is to waste less food and be less wasteful. It is too easy to not co-ordinate and change our meal plans which often results in food going straight from the fridge into the bin.

A personal challenge for me is to try to blip every day this year. Please note this may result in some rather random and not very interesting blips but I'm going to try nonetheless.

Happy New Year blip land.

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