
By EvelyneNC

Life is like a river...

Love to stand on the bridge over the Truckee River and watch the water slide over many rocks. There are still ice and snow patches near the borders, but the bright sunshine today made much snow melt away.
It was a quiet and peaceful day, Hubby out for a long hike with Maggie (unfortunately I cannot join them anymore ) but it gave me the space to prepare the goose that we had for dinner. No guests , just the two of us. Once a year, it has to be goose, because I both love the meat and the grease ("Schmalz"), that comes out and helps me make delicious fried potatoes("Bratkartoffeln"), red cabbage etc. for months. Thanksgiving we had been invited for dinner at a casino, Christmas another invitation at the house of friends, so the goose was still filling up our freezer and had to go.
There are leftovers for many more meals but I found already some interesting recipes. I love to cook, when I don't have to on a daily basis.
The first day of the new year was particularly beautiful!

Thanks to all of you who commented on my "Flower and Champagne" Pic yesterday! Every kindness was very much appreciated:-)

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