White #1
DDW January Challenge, #1 White
I'm taking the plunge and going to try the challenge for January. Now all I have to do is post this entry correctly over at the correct challenge thread. I have no idea what these are, but they are sprinkled all about the trail down by the river where we walk our dogs, and they are white. Does anyone know?*
Our walk today was a quick one since someone was shooting off fireworks across the river, and the dogs were not happy about it. I carried trembling Frank a bit of the way, poor guy. Then we came home and watched some reality crime shows, after which, we relaxed some more. Happy New Years Day!
*It is a Snowberry (Symphoricarpus albus). From green.kingcounty.gov site: "Snowberry is unlike almost any other plant in the world. Few plants have such white berries. It is a delicate looking plant with a quietly enchanting quality. The small clusters of pink flowers in the spring become the egg-white berries of late summer which last on the plant until nearly spring. In this way, they offer great fall and winter interest."
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