life through Penny's Eyes

By princesspink77

1 New Years Resolution

So here we are the dawn of a new year. A time to start afresh, to make promises to yourself to make yourself better, to change what went wrong in 2013 and so on.
There are many things I would like to change and do better but often resolutions are made and after a few weeks/months they get forgotten. So my resolution this year is to make time for me! Maybe that sounds selfish butmy life tends to resolve around my children, doing everything to make sure their needs and wants are met. Being a stay home mum to my 3 gorgeous children with a husband who works long hours - often working away a few nights a week means there is little time to make time for me, and often my me time is sat on the sofa staring blankly at Facebook at 10pm finally having me time.
I want to step away from such unproductive me time and so I want to challenge myself to my 3rd attempt at completing a 365 project, to actually take time out to enjoy my camera and taking photos and sharing them with others.
We are currently on vacation in Florida with my parents sister Joe and husband Dane (In the picture!) Early this morning just after midnight when we had seen in the new year with a toast of Prosecco we went outside and sent a sky lantern up, making a wish for a good 2014. My wish is that I get to share all the joys the year brings with you all through this project, lets hope its a fantastic year!
Happy 2014 all xxx

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