beauty of the nature

By Hadi

Dream world - uploaded at 1/2/2014

first off happy new year and christmas to the great community that is blipfoto. hope you're enjoying your holidays beside family and the loved ones.

my previous blip was published two seasons ago. those of you who've followed my journal long know it's not so strange for me to have a black out and get back like nothing happened. not that it's any excuse but it's been a busy couple of months. i've made a few changes in my life including leaving in another city and working there (unrelated to photography). so i have n't got to take many pictures. in fact i took less pictures in 2013 than any other year. but it does n't mean was a less successful year for me as a photographer. the few pictures i took this year brought me more success than i had achieved in previous years. with la petite passager i won the 3rd place in photo section of Ariano Film Festival 2013. and with Memories i won the Bronze medal and the 3rd medal in the China 15th International Photographic Art Exhibition.

but there also have been a few unfortunate incidents. in a national mobile photography competition someone entered one of my pictures as his own and was shortlisted. i complained to the organizers about this and provided them with proof but unfortunately a few days ago i was notified it was published in the competition's book. i have n't been able to get in touch with the organizers after this because of the holidays but the ugly truth is that there's not much you can do when things like this happen because of the weak copyright rules here and they happen more frequently than you might imagine. in another incident which i found out recently a rather creepy exhibition had been held in my name with one of my pictures poorly printed and framed in Zurich without my knowledge or permission. all this makes me rethink putting pictures without watermarks online and even consider taking the ones without them down if the incidents like these keep on happening and also maybe move to a place where art is somhow more appreciated and celebrated.

before i forget i should thank my good friend J for the beautiful camera she's sent me.

don't forget to have a look at my website.

off to have a look at your blips now...

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