By Himself

By Himself


My blip mojo is a bit lacking today. Now that the holiday is over I have embarked on a heavy session of web-site work which is going to tax my mind over the next three weeks or so - and it's having a mojo-damping effect.

But this may be the last big task for some time - so there will be light at the end of the tunnel once I get round the last curve. It will be the culmination of more than a year's work on this phase of a project which I started back in 2008, so will be a great relief when it finally launches.

It was not so long ago that I would have enjoyed this work - but 'maturity' brings its downsides and a mind less agile than it once was takes more energy to keep it revving.

This is a detail of a driftwood fish by Annabel Langrish.

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