Welsh Water
This is Lake Vyrnwy in mid Wales. It was created at the end of the nineteenth century to provide water for the City of Liverpool which it still does today. The water was pouring out today - I can't remember seeing so much water coming out of a reservoir for a very long time. We had a good walk over the dam and round the little village from the hotel and back again. It's quite cool and apparently we are due for another storm overnight. This is one of those hotels where you get games and jigsaw puzzles in the lounge, a gin menu in the bar, handmade truffle chocolates, a spa, a 5 course dinner and an enormous bed and bath. It has its own pub serving real ale so if there's any room left after dinner we might well go to sample a local brew. What a treat!
Had a trip to the Docs this morning - the diet starts on Saturday. Anybody want any Christmas cake or mince pies? Free to a good home. That soup maker will come in handy!
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