Mandy's photo journal

By MandyO


I thought that the start of the New year warranted a self portrait (also driven by the fact that Miss O. needs this type of picture for her College photography project).
Each New Year seems to bring me a period of reflection, assessment of my life's current status, and the hopefulness of future planning for my perfect future. Always striving to improve.
We had a very different New Year to that which was planned - we were stranded in our caravan in horrendous weather in the New Forest. It was not my vision - but as I said to the man yesterday - if I had to be confined to a small space for 24 hours I couldn't have a better companion. We actually had quite a nice time just laying about watching TV and eating junk food.
So this is me - happy to be home, all the Christmas decs down and peace and order restored to it's rightful place. I have not had a shower or washed my hair for 2 days, and have no make up on - who cares?
Next year I plan to be fitter and thinner - but I don't think I could be more content.
We don't always have to be what we think we ought to be.

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