Mall outing

Another sleep in this morning. Up at 9.

Still so tired.

We pootle around with the wee man.

Off to school. Tried to do some work but just couldn't settle.

A phone call. Could you come and take some photos of a property I'm trying to sell.


Went and did it. Might lead to some more stuff. Any tips for house photography?

Out for coffee with a friend. Saw this wee fella (Pipi) outside. His owners kindly let me photograph him. =)

Home via another friend's house to use his Mac. I am SO buying myself one of those when I get the cash.

Home to bed. Realised I didn't have any tea. Oh well.

Oh, btw, I am obviously still here on blip. I'll tick away in the background. I might miss a day or two here or there. Just not stressing too much. 778 days straight isn't too bad, I guess.


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