Peeking Out

Well it was a case of publishing yesterdays and todays one after the other tonight after my double trip to Glasgow I saw the new class 350 that TPE Trains have just aquired although there still in grey and white paintwork they look pretty similar to the class 380's that Scotrail use these days so it was nice to have a wee look I will put one into my folio shortly anyway another earlier turn tomorrow with a trip to Leeds for an hour then up to Newcastle for two hours then back to Edinburgh and off Saturday and Sunday thankfully those two day will be my Christmas and New Year and will pop along to the Edinburgh Blip Meet on Saturday night in Leith hopefully Sandra can make it but she is knackerd after a 13 hour shift and another 11 1/2 hour shift today as well anyway this shot was taken as I waited for signal clearance at Carstairs early this morning thankfully I have seen a little sunshine both days as the forecast for the next few days looks terrible so I hope the flooding doesn't get worse for those already affected as my heart goes out to all those suffering after all the recent storms around the UK, now then movie for the day is"Into The Shadows 2001" See Ya

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