These are the days...

By ashcroftkiddos

loving bruschetta

I love bruschetta. It's a new thing for me to like, but alas, I LOVE IT. This summer, we enjoyed making it with our home made tomatoes and our own basil. and tonight, we had it again, this time with homemade sourdough bread! Josh only half way liked it at the start of the summer but now, he was THRILLED with the dinner choice and even commented on how something could be so good.

Today was my work day and Josh stayed home and played with the kiddos in the morning. In the afternoon, the kids went to Uncle and Auntie's house and then I headed over and we played at the park and had a relaxing afternoon. I'm pretty wiped out from this cold and seriously feel like I could sleep for twenty hours straight! So, after a waste a few more minutes on the computer, to bed I shall go!

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