Becky and Mike left this morning at around 10am for the long drive home to London. They arrived safely after a 5 hour journey.

The house feels so empty and quiet without them. I always feel a bit " flat " when they leave. Felt tired all day so I had a nap this afternoon.

Neil phoned at 9.30pm - it was 8.30am in Oz. He was near Port Stephens and he's going sandboarding later on. Then moving on to Surfers Paradise.

Today's Forum Challenge is drink. So I have blipped something I have been drinking all day. No its not red wine - its cherry juice.

Another item from the list of " 26 Glorious Things Newcastle Gave The World "

Britain’s Best Street

Grey Street in Newcastle was voted as Britain's Best Street a few years ago. It is renowned for its Georgian architecture. Grey Street was built by Richard Grainger in the 1830s with the aid of several architects, including John Dobson. It has Grey's Monument at the top and it contains the Theatre Royal and an entrance to The Central Arcade.

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