
By Dizzy2302

So Long Santa...

....see you next Christmas. I am always quite sad when the tree and lights disappear. It's my favourite thing about Christmas. Everywhere looks so bare (but tidy!!). Really must think about getting back into 'work mode' now and as I have that dreaded "boobies" check tomorrow and footie (weather permitting)on Saturday today was my last free day before nose back to the grindstone. Although I feel very fortunate to have a job that I enjoy I really do love being at home but sadly not everyday can be a holiday huh? Brief respite from the weather today but as I sip my Horlicks before bed I can hear the rain beating down on the conservatory roof. Took a brief shopping trip to Yeovil earlier today and I cannot recall ever seeing such high levels of water everywhere. If we get much more rain it is going to make travelling on our rural roads very tricky. Great! Just as I have to go back to work grrrrrrr! Can I hear Spring knocking on the door??

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