PawsClaws n Tails outWest

By DesertP

Dang stupid knees

It's not a bad as it looks - strapping tape to help keep my knee caps from rotating when I run... Although the doc doesn't think it will really help and has said that I really shouldn't be running anymore :(

Feeling quite deviated about the whole situation but determined not to give up just yet. I was diagnosed with worn/pitted cartilage in both knees about ten years ago and managed to overcome the pain when I learnt to run years ago. I havn't been able to run properly in weeks, but will wait until I have my first physio appointment and see what they say.

Good news is I qualify for the government subsidised osteoarthritis care plan which gives me super cheap physio, a dietician consult and free progress checks every three months!

Depressing blip but this was the only photo I managed to take today (which I mainly took so I could remember how to tape my knee next time!).

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