Total Madness

I went into town with Bags this evening and joined my sister and brother-in-law.

Bags and sis wanted to go on the Sky Flyer - us big brave men stayed firmly attached to the ground.

After seeing how substantial the seats are I am surprised nobody was killed when the underside of one of them fell off last week.

After their 3 minute start to finish ride (not very long for your £7.50) we had a Drambuie apple hot toddy (very nice) we had a wander round the stall and roundabout before heading down to Princes Street Gardens for a look at what was on offer there.
Not a lot really and the prices were a bit scary.
Maybe that is why everywhere was so quiet.

I am really quite happy with the way the pictures I took turned out considering they were all hand held - apart from the ferris wheel which was taken resting the camera on a wall.

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