Red House

A house in Hoeven along the provincial road and almost directly opposite the serve-yourself filling station where I parked briefly, engine on, to take the shot.

Hubby had a rather (as it turned out, unnecessarily) stressful morning at an office in Breda. I knew what the tension had been doing to his body, even while we were in Antalya, so I offered to drive him and attend the session with him to understand the situation and his feelings even more, as well as to get the info I wanted first-hand. It all went well and pretty much as I had predicted it would go, so that was okay. I know, though, that when you are standing 'in the soup', so to speak, it isn't always easy to stay positive and nerves cloud your vision.

On the way home, we passed by this house and I realized I'd been meaning to blip it for some time anyway; one of those things I had been keeping for days such as this -- grey most of the time and me not really being in any mood to drive except for short distances. I think it's about a century old, give or take 10 years, and has obviously been kept well, at least judging from appearances. There are several such houses along this provincial artery running through the whole municipality of Halderberge. I am seriously thinking of just blipping in the neighbourhood all the way till Monday, even while hoping I get more energy in time for next week.

Looking at the shot now, I realize it is practically the same kind of house I used to draw as a 5-year old in Manila; even then, I saw it as my 'dream house' ... red bricks, tiled roof, tulips (come spring, hopefully) and trees in the garden, curtains at the window, and a beautiful day. I guess I was clairvoyant even then.

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