Dear Photo Diary

By rutherfordium

Filo prawns

After yesterday's ordeal, I spent most of today in bed. By about 3pm I was feeling a little bit better, so I got myself up and ready. At the back of my mind all day was that I had a date with my friend Emma at my favourite Japanese restaurant this evening, and it would take one hell of an illness to keep me away from there!

I almost cancelled a couple of times but thankfully by the evening I was well enough to go, and it was fantastic as always. Emma always gets these filo prawns as her starter, which is always good for a laugh because more filo pastry ends up on her lap than in her mouth. The day she was wearing a lace dress was particularly amusing, she was finding little pieces stuck in there for hours!

After the meal we went to the cinema and saw the first film that was showing (that wasn't The Hobbit), which happened to be American Hustle. It went on a lot longer than I thought, so a quick blip now and straight to bed, up early for a family shoot in the morning :)

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