The Key

We discovered a key to dining in our favorite restaurant for adventures! Just order the special!

It had been several weeks that we have avoided going out on date night, in order to conserve resources. We decided to venture out this evening with The Secret Life of Walter Mitty at the theater, followed by dinner, which we had every reason to believe, would be a long and entertaining experience....if history had any chance of repeating itself tonight.

This night, however, the Garlic Pepper Crispy Prawns sounded (and were) wonderful, so we ordered The Special and...quick like a bunny...we had dinner! Still amazed, we found the food wonderfully satisfying, and our server a complete delight! She let me video an interview, where I asked her if the orders ever get mixed up here. Her response was instant and adorable..."Oh yes! Often!" What a good sport, she was, and truly efficient tonight! Amusement is such a soothing way to end the day :-)


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