On The Sofa

So it's a new year, but the blipping challenge continues - despite the fact that I actually almost gave up. Thank you everyone for your kind wishes and comments, especially on my second Blipday - they encouraged me to continue at least till the next pole, 1000 blips :)

A warm thanks to all the family members, too, who follow my journal in many parts of Finland. For you, I add Finnish descriptions as well. Oh, and I wish I could peek your daily life as well :)

Kiitos kaikille tuestanne kahden ensimmäisen blip-vuoden aikana! Yksi syy jatkaa kuvaprojektia olette te sukulaiset ympäri Suomen, jotka seuraatte kuviani. Jatkossa saatte lukea kuulumisiamme myös suomeksi :)

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