el Rinconuco de Jasanruco

By jasanro

La bola de cristal (the crystal ball)

hace ya unas semanas vi la foto de un blipper que me gustó muchísimo. Se trataba del reflejo de una puerta en una gota de agua. Dentro de mis modestos conocimientos he intentado emularla. A ver qué os parece.
La foto está tomada desde la ventana de mi cocina y representa una gota a punto de caer de el tendal de la ropa y que refleja al edificio de enfrente.

A few weeks ago I saw a picture of a Blipper I liked a lot. It was the reflection of a door in a drop of water. Within my modest knowledge I have tried to emulate it. Let´s see what you think.
The picture was taken from my kitchen window and shows a drop to fall from the trail of clothing that reflects the opposite building.

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