
By CharlotteJ

The Palace….part two!

The Palace….part two!

Resort life is certainly interesting and lots and lots of people! We don’t quite know what to make of Sun City. Hectic is a word we have used and simulated is another word we have used.
We decided on an ‘activity’ even though over our amazing trip we have been to a real world homestead (you may remember we were invited to a Zulu home), we decided on the culture village and we are pleased we did. We got away from the hordes of people and welcomed by a lovely guy called Lucky who showed us around the ‘village’ and explained about 8 different tribes which was fascinating, and as we were the only two he took lots of time to answer our questions. The tour was finished with fantastic singing and dancing. I took lots of photos but have settled on the Ndebele girl (who isn’t really an Ndebele, but you get the gist I am sure) – what a cracking looking girl!
Tomorrow sees us heading to Benoni to meet with my cousin for dinner and then onto the airport. We fly via Dubai and then onto LHR, so blip and blip comments I am afraid will become sporadic until Tuesday / Wednesday.

We’ve had a smashing trip but now feel ready to get home and get into the swing off things….but only for 8 weeks as we head off to New York in March for a week and have booked to see a Knicks Game!!



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