Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

Oh yum!

What a dreary day - grey, windy and rain lashing at the windows. And I am tired of seeing the water levels at the river going up yet again. Gavin spent the morning trying to stake a large tree that was almost uprooted by the wind, I hope he has saved it as it was leaning almost out of the ground.

Although Luke only starts school on Wednesday he had to go back today for 4 days of pre-season hockey training. I really thought it would be cancelled due to the foul weather but no, they play on a water-based astro so what difference does a bit more rain water make. I won't be watching his all day tournament tomorrow, not in this weather.

I took Thomas to his piano lesson this morning and on the way back from his piano teacher's house we pass a Krispy Kreme Donut outlet. Every week he asks if we can stop there and I always say no, as during term time his lesson is just before supper - but today...I said yes! So here he is saying 'wow' as he is about to sink his teeth into that delicious donut....

Still trying to catch up with the Christmas TV - Downton Abbey was quite dull, nothing significant happened and Mary is still such a cold fish and dithering over which man to choose - but Sherlock - wasn't that fun! So how did he survive the jump from the top of St Barts Hopsital? Which version do you think is true?

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