Double Trouble

By HannahSpanner


All my boys having a snuggle in bed. Mr L isn't asleep I think he was hoping I wouldn't get him in the shot lol.

Well it's been a great start to the new year so far (other than the horrid weather).
My camera issues have been resolved we ordered a Nikon approved memory card which arrived yesterday and it is now working perfectly, hopefully i can get my other pictures off the other memory card.

I went into work yesterday to discuss keeping in touch days and sound out stuff about my return to work with my temporary team leader. So far it seems very positive, she is happy to support me coming back three days a week and working out of our llandarcy office which is 15mins down the road instead of an hours drive to Cardiff. Our team is so short staffed and there will be two of us off on maternity leave from February as well. And I think they'd much rather let me work out of another office rather than me leave completely. But I have to put forward a business so I have a nice simple form to fill in arguing as to why I should be allowed to work as I want. Fingers crossed they agree however I haven't full decided if I'm going to go back yet I have mixed feelings on it.

My lovely friend Claire is pregnant again she had a silent miscarriage just before the boys were born. So far this pregnancy isn't going smoothly she has had some heavy bleeding and a number of scans. They think she may well have been carrying twins and lost one as the baby is in the right place and is growing well, her hormone levels were extremely high indicating the possibility of a multiple pregnancy. She has been classed as high risk as she has a bi cornate uterus (heart shaped) but hers is very severe. I have the same but mine is very mild and resulted in much debate as to whether the boys had one or two placentas as their placenta thinned out where my dip is.
So due to this she has not been allowed to go on honeymoon as the consultant has banned her from flying, she has another scan Monday and provided the pregnancy progresses well they are only going to let her go as far as 32/34 weeks. So I'm being bombarded with questions about having a prem baby.

I have all my fingers, toes and anything else I can cross crossed that Monday goes well for her.

Once I've figured our how to up load pics from my camera I hope to stop taking iPhone blip hopefully

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