
By woofcity

yes dear...

I wanted a take a nice portrait of Emily today to complete the trio. No cooperation so maybe another day. This one made me think of poor Storm being ganged up on last night. no, I'm not trying to steal that glove from you, no definitely not me... The picture of innocence on Storm's face.

A dry walk woop woop through the woods. Met lots of dogs. Emily was on full yap mode towards dogs but not horses. It has kept potential suitors away but once she is out of season something that needs work on.

Typically after singing their praises yesterday Emily tried to pick a fight with Grace. Fortunately I saw the look in her eye and intercepted before there was contact. A jealousy based rage I think. During her season Emily has changed allegiance of laps leaving mine available for Grace. Apparently that is no longer acceptable. 8 weeks before no more hormones...

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