Revenge of the teething monster

Awake about 7, downstairs for play etc then once daddy was up and dressed (his turn for lie in) we headed to the weatherspoons for breakfast.


Popped to Wilkos after for essential bits and pieces then home.

Little girl then crashed! Totally and utterly crashed. We were meant to be going to a party but instead I was putting her to bed, I tried waking her about midday but she refused to stir. Eventually after three hours deep deep sleep she awoke.

Teething monster is definitely with us. Snotty nose, stinky stinky nappies very very drooly and horribly grumpy. Never made it to the party.

Got done for speeding on Christmas Day coming home from the pub at lunchtime. Gutted as I am usually so utterly diligent about this one speed camera and doing the speed limit in the village. Oh well.... £85 plus speeding awareness course for me.

Need to get my head around school work tomorrow.
how many days do I have to work until next holiday?

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