
By rachel6

The end.......

Woo hoo I finally finished the christmas book. This is a big achievement for me it takes me ages to read a book I did actually start reading this book last year but didnt get very far so left it for this Christmas

So thats it for another year all done and dusted. I eventually packed all the decorations away today although I took them down yesterday. It's quite late for me this year.

Its been another foul day rain rain rain it's getting boring now. My exciting day consisted of tidying all morning. (Boxing up endless decorations). Going to the awful outlet we were ther a whole 30 mins. But i still stuck with the do not buy any clothes resolution. I put back that Ralph top I did not neef. Trip to sainsburys got one of those put in the oven curry. Thought we were being half good by doing this instead of take away. Then to see pauls gramp.

Then finished the book. I did turn down a night out. So instead its a night of crap tv (take me out is back a guilty pleasure) woo hoo

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