As Told By Ginger

By 9to12

Mike Is A Fountain Of Knowledge

Hannah and Julia for today's blip!

Rough night of sleep. Woke up around 10 and lounged around until 12:30. Bus to St. Anthony's for the last league meet of my winter track career. Crazy.

5th in the 1600 with a tied PR of 4:44 (and a kick ahead of Timmy right at the end) and 11th in the 600 with a first-ever time of 1:34. I like the 600; I wish I ran it more often.

Bus back home, dinner with Jack at Mt. Fuji and then Friendly's. Movie night at Jaclyn's but we just ended up watching clips from High School Musical, Parks and Rec, and Friends.

I love everyone so, so much.

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