Anne's Daily Encounters

By dutchdelight

polderland of 50 years

Took a ride to my relatives at their farm in the midland of the Netherlands and taking a few pictures of their land I realised it's 50 years onwards this is farming land worked upon and lived on. My brother in law and his family were one of the new settlers here in 1964 ~ all the pioneers who started here actually made an inland immigration.

Talking of the Flevopolder I googled and found this link on selection if its inhabitants (press the arrow of 40 min. and the tape will play). It shows that the Civil Service IJsselmeerpolders was very paternallistic in its criteria for selecting the new settlers for this new land in the centre of the country; it seems they were ever faithfull to the manufacturability of everything.
Men were selected on their age and health and capacities; they had to be between 26-50 yrs. bring along a wife in marriage or engagement, have children of plan having children and they should belong to one of the 3 mainstream convictions, t.i. be a catholic or be a protestant or be an agnostic..... And they should be a socializer or become active in politics as experienced pioneer etc.

My brother-in-laws father answered up to all those demands and was accepted as a farming settler; he started off with dairy cattle and agriculture and had to keep sheep on the stretch of 6 kms of dyke along the waters from which this land was reclaimed)

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